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Grades 1-6 Academic Curriculum

Cardinal Lacroix Academy is committed to academic excellence; which we believe is possible through proper instruction, curriculum, individualized attention, and student achievement. The school utilizes these best practices to offer a rigorous academic program. Click on each tab to learn about our curriculum.

Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. Attention should be paid to the needs of today’s society in teaching mathematics by fostering real world application, enabling students to undertake responsibilities in society both locally and globally while witnessing to the faith.

Individual subjects must be taught according to their own particular methods. It would be wrong to consider subjects as mere adjuncts to faith or as a useful means of teaching apologetics. They enable the pupil to assimilate skills, knowledge, intellectual methods and moral and social attitudes, all of which help to develop his personality and lead him to take his place as an active member of the community of man. Their aim is not merely the attainment of knowledge but the acquisition of values and the discovery of truth. The Catholic School, 39


After extensive research and review, the Diocesan Academic Committee determined that the Mathematics Content Standards for California Public Schools adopted by the California State Board of Education in 1997 and revised in 2000 (pre-Common Core and No Child Left Behind Act), contained the necessary competencies vital to a high-quality mathematics program. “Mathematics is critical for all students, not only those who will have careers that demand advanced mathematical preparation but all citizens who will be living in the twenty-first century. These standards are based on the premise that all students are capable of learning rigorous mathematics and learning it well, and all are capable of learning far more than is currently expected.” (Eastin, 2000).


In studying mathematics, we desire that our students in Catholic Schools will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the mental practices of precise, determined, meticulous and accurate questioning, inquiry

    and reasoning

  • Respond to the beauty, harmony, proportion, and wholeness existing in mathematics

  • Appreciate how mathematical arguments and procedures can be inferred and practiced in other areas of

    study, including theology and philosophy

  • Propose how mathematical objects or proofs (including the Fibonacci numbers, the musical scale, and

    geometric proofs) support Divine origin.

    We believe that the proposed Diocesan Curriculum Standards for Mathematics adapted and reprinted Mathematic Content Standards for California Public Schools – Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (2000) with permission from the California Department of Education, will help us begin building an educational paradigm that will enable our students to grow in logic and reason with the ability to discern and grow in academic acumen.

    Pope Benedict XVI


Basic Principles Underlying All Standards to be Used for the Planning of Curriculum for the Diocese of Manchester

  • A passion for mission should inform every curriculum decision.

  • All knowledge reflects God’s Truth, Beauty, and Goodness.

  • Curriculum and instruction enable deeper incorporation of the children into the Church, the formation of community within the school, and respect for the uniqueness and dignity of each person as created in the image and likeness of God.

  • Education fosters growth in Christian virtue and contributes to development and formation of the whole person for the good of the society of which he/she is a member, and in recognition of their destiny, an eternal life in Christ.

  • Each subject is to be examined in the context of the Catholic faith through Scripture and Tradition and is to be illuminated by Gospel values.

  • Learning and formation are interconnected, as are the natural and spiritual development of each student.

  • Curriculum and instruction seek to promote a synthesis of faith, life, and culture, forming students as disciples of Jesus.

  • All curricula must support a commitment to strong and consistent Catholic identity.

  • Curriculum will assist the student’s ability to think critically, problem solve, innovate, and lead

    towards a supernatural vision.

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148 Belmont Street

Manchester, NH 03103

School hours: 7:30-2:15 pm

Office hours: 7:15-3:15 pm

For general inquiries:

(603) 622-0414

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